Saturday, March 14, 2009

People Really Win!

Here is a picture of @CeeBee with his Certificate of Achievement for winning guess in the category "What Some Might Think Is Closest to What Is in the Box." Cool! Some other winners have posted their pictures online: @Tony_D posted his pic here, @1sjcorbett posted her pic here, @toldorknown has posted his pic here, @The_No_Show has posted his pic here, and @bcompton has posted his pic here (he won a certificate AND the Grand Prize). Another Grand Prize winner, @thewesterly, has posted a picture of his prize, the coveted Abalone Trivet (Hotplate). If somebody has sent me a link or a picture and I have missed it here, please let me know.

If you are new to the contest, just check out the original rules post and peruse the prior guesses and winners (link is to label "Guess What Is in the Boxes, including this post). I enjoy running this contest, and it makes me very happy that a few dozen people out there enjoy participating. I will have Round 6 up and ready for guesses either Sunday or Monday.

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